We are with you. We believe in the amazing, grace-filled news of the gospel. We are passionate about Jesus’ instruction to

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” 

We know that the outworking of that instruction has many different facets and callings. 

We want to assist you in the way that God has called you into His adventure.

Transform your message into captivating visuals with our services tailored specifically for churches and kingdom ventures. Whether you’re promoting events, designing sermon series graphics and bumpers, or refreshing your branding, we understand the unique needs of churches. We specialize in creating impactful designs that resonate with your congregation and community. From eye-catching flyers and banners to social media graphics and presentation slides, we’re here to help you tell your story and His story with boldness and clarity. 

Sermon Branding

Sermon Branding

Here are a few samples of sermon bumpers. Click on any graphic to watch the bumper.  With our combined experience in preaching, graphic design, and video editing, we are perfectly equipped to help you communicate your message.

Event Promotion

Capture the spotlight and ignite excitement for your event with our expertly crafted strategies designed to draw attention and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

  1. Social Media Marketing: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok to create event pages, share updates, engage with your audience, and run targeted ads.

  2. Email Marketing: Build an email list of subscribers interested in your events and send out newsletters, announcements, and reminders. Personalize messages and include compelling visuals.

  3. Content Marketing: Create blog posts, articles, videos, or podcasts related to your event theme or topics. Share valuable content on your website and social media to attract and engage your target audience.

  4. Community Engagement: Participate in online forums, groups, and communities relevant to your event. Share valuable insights, answer questions, and subtly promote your event when appropriate.

  5. Public Relations: Reach out to local newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and online publications to get coverage for your event. Send out press releases, pitch story ideas, and offer interviews with event organizers or speakers.

  6. Networking Events: Attend networking events, trade shows, and conferences to promote your event in person. Bring promotional materials, network with potential attendees, and exchange contact information.

  7. Collaborations and Sponsorships: Partner with complementary businesses, organizations, or brands to co-host events, cross-promote, or sponsor each other’s events. This can expand your reach to new audiences.

  8. Create Engaging Visuals: Design eye-catching graphics, videos, and infographics to promote your event on social media, websites, and email newsletters. Visual content is more likely to grab attention and encourage sharing.

  9. Offer Early Bird Discounts or Special Offers: Create urgency and incentivize early registration by offering discounted tickets, exclusive perks, or limited-time promotions for early bird registrants.

  10. Utilize Event Listing Websites: Submit your event to popular event listing websites like Eventbrite, Meetup, and Facebook Events. This can help your event get discovered by people searching for activities in your area or industry.

  11. Utilize Paid Advertising: Invest in paid advertising campaigns on social media platforms, Google Ads, or other relevant channels to target specific demographics, interests, and locations. Monitor and optimize your ads for maximum ROI.

By combining several of these strategies, you can effectively promote your event and attract a diverse and engaged audience.

Outreach Coaching

Our outreach coaching provides tailored guidance and strategies for effectively communicating the gospel, engaging with diverse audiences, and spreading the message of hope and transformation with authenticity and impact. Outreach is certainly not a one-size-fits-all situation. We will help you identify your strengths, assess your community, make a plan, and implement that plan. Trevor has a wealth of experience to draw from. Below are three examples of projects he has pioneered.

Revive Consignment – Successfully started and grew a charitable kingdom-focused business from conception to a well-established and profitable community business. Established Revive Consignment at Jubilee Church’s request to build a business that would serve the community by providing employment, releasing finances, and advancing our work amongst the unhoused. Within six years, we grew annual revenue to over one million dollars, employed thirty people, had over nine thousand consignors, and released over five hundred thousand dollars per year into the community through consignor payments and funding our work with the homeless. Through finances released through Revive, we established Restore, a food pantry and advice center for those trying to avoid or escape being unhoused. 

Truth Recognizing the problem of underage alcohol use within the UK town, we established a non-alcoholic nightclub-style venue for teenagers. We mobilized a team of people from 11 churches in the town to work collaboratively for the sake of our community. Truth operated for three years, often filling our venue and gaining a very good reputation among the teenagers, their families, law enforcement, and local authorities.

Alpha is a twelve-week course exploring the basics of Christianity. It is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What’s the purpose of life? What’s next? Through the Alpha course, we create a judgment-free space for people to ask hard questions and share their opinions. Trevor Atkins was trained as an Alpha Course facilitator at the birthplace of the course, Holy Trinity Church, Brompton, London. 

Web Design, Hosting and Apps

No pressure, but you have less than one second to make a good first impression with your church website. Researchers at Missouri University discovered this utilizing sophisticated eye-tracking technology. Their conclusion? First impressions of a website often determine whether a user views an organization favorably or unfavorably.

  • 80% of new visitors head to a church’s website before stepping into its building.
  • 46% say a website’s design is their number one criterion for determining the credibility of an organization.
  • 53% of practicing Christians streamed their church’s services online.
  • 33% of church attendees first found their church online.
  • Although they don’t go to church on a regular basis, 17 million Americans still visit church websites.

A Kingdom Approach To All That We Do

We are happy to help your church or kingdom venture thrive in any way possible. We bring our expertise in print and the church to all of our services. 

Trevor Atkins

In addition to his print and graphic design experience, Trevor has a wealth of experience in church leadership and Kingdom ventures.

Nine years of ordained, full-time church leadership.

Eight years of church planting.

Four years building a successful kingdom business.

Six years as Director of Communications for churches.